
Do you want to look good in pictures?

What a question! Who does not?! Of course you, he , she, and I want to look good in every single picture, but how can that be? I always hear people say " I do not look good in pictures" or " I really look horrible in pictures".....Why do they say that? Actually, most of the picture I saw of this people looked wonderful, not just good. So it is all about confidence. Well, then I will start from this point to tell you about some steps to make sure that you look awesome in your pictures

#1. Be confident

Beauty is not what will make you look confident in pictures. What will make you confident is to appear not intimidated by the camera, but how do you overcome intimidation? It is very easy. You just need learn it and I will tell you who can teach you to be not intimidated by the camera. The best one to teach you to be confident is not super stars, nor super models. Childern are the ones who can teach you to not be intimidated. No imageIf we look for the definition of the word confident in the dictionary, we will find the definition is "being very sure of or positive about something" This exactly how children feel. Yes, being very sure of their innocence, purity and looks however they look like. And yes, they positive about something and that thing is "Having fun". Children feel and know they will have fun whenever you appear with a camera in your hand. They are so sure of that and feel positive. So next time you will go to take a picture think about those two reasons that make children look confident in pictures. Once again "being very sure of or positive about something"

#2. Think of what you wear!!

Most of people think about wearing a really elegant clothes and they think it will make them look good in pictures. You should think in a different way. You should choose clothes that will be elegant because of you. You should not just wear clothes with colors that suit you, but try to make from yourself a great and elegant addition to this elegant clothes. There are certain colors complement certain skin tones, while others tend to bring out the worst. So do not just run after colours and designs without thinking of what will you add to them, not what they will add to you. Also, take into consideration your hair color. Your hair is your crown, so choose the clothes and colours that show how beautiful and unique crown you got.

#3. Don't say " CHEEZZZZZE "

Saying "cheese" is one of the biggest false illusions that lives in your mind, so get ride of it. Actually when you say " Cheese " your smile will look artificial and very fake. What you need to do is to relax your face and get a really genuine smile or laugh and it is not easy to do it. Just think about something funny....Think of how bad was the first dinner you made or any funny situation happened to you or to someone you know.

#4. Speak out

If you your picture will be shot by a professional photographer, you should engage with him/her in a conversation. It doesn't matter what kind of topic you -both- talk about. The conversation is just to help you to break the rigidness by letting your mind focus on something else other than facing the camera. Professional photographers usually do that. They understand that their model is a bit nervous and not confident. So they start to talk to the model about something get nothing to do with the shooting session. That is a very smart, but some photographers do not do that. Then you should do it yourself, who knows may be the photographer himself/herself is not confident enough.